Sunday, May 13, 2018

Happiness and Trees Planted by Streams of Water

When I was a kid—at some point on the morning of Mother’s Day my mom would announce to me and my brother and sisters.  The one thing that would make me happy today would be if you would all just behave yourselves. No fighting—no arguing, no yelling, listening—cleaning up after yourselves.  I don’t ever remember a Mother’s Day where we were successful but that was her wish.

Happiness is certainly something that we as human beings—hope for and maybe even  strive for--- to live happy lives .

Wanting to know more about happiness and  wanting to know what people are saying about how to attain happiness I decided to google what are the keys to happiness?  

Guess what there are a lot of ideas.
2.2 million ideas.  Everyone seemed to have something say---Psychology Today—The NY times  And one that I read from the Wanderlust worker--  “The 7 keys to Happiness and success in life. [1]
As I read there were some really good possibilities and even some with biblical precedent—---the first they suggested—practicing gratitude—pretty good-gratitude is about recognizing the positive, the abundances the goodness in our lives—Paul in Thessalonians talks about the importance of give thanks in all situation—there is always something that we can be thankful about---Corrie Ten Boom a Dutch woman who survived a concentration camp spoke about giving thanks for the fleas in her bunkhouse—because they kept the guards out of her bunkhouse and ultimately kept the guards from raping the women there.  

The second key was being present—not living in the past or in the future but soaking up the moment-- paying attention to what’s going on right now.  Jesus talks in the Gospel of Matthew about not worrying about tomorrow because tomorrow is going to have it’s own worries- but focusing on the present. Third was about managing time effectively--  again roots in the bible-- sabbath keeping  6 days of working and one day of rest– the idea having a good balance between work and rest that’s important to happiness—the article then talks about having smart goals and having a good morning routine and tackling the important tasks-- I am sure somewhere in the book of proverbs about have goals and tackling the important tasks.  Anyway, some good ideas.

The bible even has ideas about how to be happy. 

Don’t know if you noticed but the Psalmist speaks about happiness in today’s  Psalms—the very first  words of the entire Psalter—150 psalms –is happy-

Happy are they who have not walked in the counsel of the wicked, *
nor lingered in the way of sinners,
nor sat in the seats of the scornful!
Their delight—they Psalmist says in is in the law of the Lord.  –their delight—their happiness is found when they follow God—when they do as God directs -- those who delight in the law—the psalmist says are like trees planted by streams of water. 

This would have been a powerful image for people of the desert like the Israelites—   for us here is the northeast trees can live anywhere because we regularly have water that falls from the sky but  in the desert a tree to be lush and vibrant it needs to be planted near a source of  water--- you can always tell where the water is in the desert-cause that is where that is where the trees are—that’s where the lush green-growth is that’s because they are tapped into the source of life-- water—away from the water all you get is brush and scrub.

Clint McCann Commenting on this Psalm-says prosperity [happiness] is not about getting what you want; rather it comes from being fully connected to the source of life.  The Psalms say That connections comes through living the ways of God. 

I think that I am probably switching at this point from preaching to testimony, but I guess that  part of preaching. 

A few weeks ago I alluded to the fact that the happiest, most joyful parts of my life have been the last 18-20 years when I rediscovered my faith and began to live no longer just for myself, but for God and for others and I began to live more in tune with God’s ways.   That’ doesn’t mean that it hasn’t been hard or that bad things haven’t happened —my mom was sick for many years and died four years ago—that’s been terrible.

At times during the last 20 years-we have lived on the edge of poverty-- going through seminary—we were on WIC --as many of my colleagues were-but I can still say that that time was joy filled- I was in the midst of incredible community -I was fulfilling a call – there was purpose-I would never trade that time.

Following God ---I have met some of the most amazing people over these last twenty years—people I would never have met had I not started to live a more faithful and trying to follow God.

I have discovered some of the happiest moments of my life have been when I have given myself away in service to the other. I can remember going on a mission trip to Springfield Mass after the tornado they had a few years ago.  I took a group of parishioners from Buffalo to Springfield to help with a mission project that was put on by the diocese of Western Mass.  At the end of the first day -- one of the women I was traveling who had been at a different site said, “Fr. Sean I have to tell you the most amazing thing."

She said she had been  deployed to help a twenty-thirty something man and his elderly mother clean up debris and down trees in their yard.  At the end of the day the mom pulled her aside thank you for coming it’s been a rough year--- my other son killed himself  and then the tornado hi damaged our house t and I haven’t seen my son smile in a really long time but today when you showed up  to help out that was the first time he has smiled in a long time---priceless stuff— better than any Christmas present I have ever gotten--stuff that happens when we follow God and God’s ways.

I have found joy in giving away money—20 years ago if you had told that Sean how much money I would give away over the next 20 years and be happier I would have said you are bonkers. The money I have given has helped God do God’s work right now— there is something so life giving to that.  You might think that the money you put in the plate it’s about keeping the lights on—but it’s more than that—on Friday we had a funeral here—and  because of that this congregation  is here and viable we were able to stand here with Gerri Wise and all of Dick’s family and friends  wrap our arms around them as they buried Dick.  The work we did, I am certain made this very hard time just a little easier. 

Happy are they who delight in the law of the lord—happy are those who take this book and work to make it their life.  Happy are they who work on this relationship.   The law of the lord it’s a gift given to us to live happy and joy filled lives—it’s a gift that helps our neighbors live a happy and joy filled lives because it connects us to the source of life and the Psalmist says we will  become like trees planted  by streams of water.



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