Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A Day in the life of a priest

Wow, today was one of those days where it seemed like  my ministry was all over the map. There are some days where I am absolutely amazed at how many different balls I have in the  air as the rector of  program sized congregation.  Here is a list of some of the ways God used me on this very harried day.   And some people say clergy only work one day a week.  Bah!

1. Met with the minister of outreach  to discuss how to respond to a diocesan outreach initiative.
2. Met with Director of Christian Formation to discuss Sunday School.
3. Arranged a ride to nursing home bible study for tomorrow
4. Celebrated Eucharist-- Great discussion on Prodigal Son
5. Moved tables
6. Spoke on the phone about person interested in having her son baptized.
6A. Sent the above person pamphlet on baptism.
7. Spoke to parishioner about involvement on fundraising team.
8. Played phone tag with colleague.
9. Tried three times to send email to clergy of diocese.  
10.  Wrote letter to state verifying employment of former employee.
11. Signed checks
12. Reviewed with treasurer an insurance policy (They didn't teach this in seminary)
13. Spoke with parishioner about  vocational discernment
14. Wrote letter to newcomers about confirmation and reception
15.   Began planning teenager confirmation class
16. Realized I hadn't spent much time working on sermon  (That will happen  tomorrow)
17.  Preparation to teach "Holy Moly" to youth of parish-Watched video and got out craft supplies
18.  Attended Lenten Potluck ( A Great baked Ziti and Chrishelle's corn bread were the highlights)
19.  Taught "Holy Moly" with youth (That was fun)
20. Signed an application for someone applying for a foreign passport (Never done that before)
21. Reviewed notes from Vestry meeting
22. Invited parishioner to become Clerk of the Vestry (Negativo-Back to the drawing board)
23. Wrote blog

There is you have it. It was a whirlwind, but several times I found my deep gladness meeting the world's deep hunger.* And you just can't beat that.

*Frederick Buechner says this about vocation- "The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet."


  1. Don't forget especially on days like this that its important to remember to "talk to God", I find on days when everything is hectic and I have a million things to do that sometimes I miss things, be it something I'm supposed to do or confusion on which path to take. Sometimes I find if I sit quietly for a. few moments I find clarity and answers to anything and everything. I think this is how God talks to me and keeps me on track for whatever he has planned for me.

  2. Todd, thanks for your reminder. Some days I am better at that than others, yesterday wasn't one of those days. I have found that I am often more efficient and definitely less frazzled on those days that I slow down and let God in.
