Sunday, December 20, 2015

Advent IV 2015 She said, “Yes”

I wonder how many doors the angel Gabriel had to knock on before he got to Mary’s.   I wonder how many were doors were slammed in his face? How many people said, “Who me? You want me to do what? Yeah right--God to work through me—are you sure you have the right person?

I can remember the day Fr. Johnny Johnson came to me and said let’s talk.  He then proceeded to ask me if I had ever considered ordained ministry.  In my mind-I was thinking who me-you must be crazy.  I then remember literally looking behind me to see if he was actually talking to someone else.
I told him I would pray on and get back to him.

I’m sure that was the same response a number of folks had when Gabriel showed up at their doorstep—you must be crazy.   No thanks- I’m not interested.  Let me think about that.
I imagine that by the time he got to Mary’s place the angel Gabriel was haggard and tired of all the slammed doors, the crazy looks—Was his pronouncement grand or expectant or did he get there shoulders slumped rejection  settling in his bones- Greetings favored one—the Lord is with you.

Or maybe that wasn’t the case at all—maybe God knew exactly who the right person.  Regardless of whether Gabriel had knocked on 100 doors or just the door at Mary’s house-- Mary said yes—well she didn’t exactly say yes, but that’s how we could translate.

After Gabriel had been through all the details  about the how the Spirit would come upon her and oh yeah you’re going to have the son of God.

Mary response wasn’t how’s this going to work or what about being a, pregnant unwed woman—that’s kind of frowned upon—I could get stoned or I’m already bethrothed and how do I explain this to Joseph—She simply said.  “Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word.”

She said yes to God and yes to God’s plan.

My friend and colleague Steve Pankey in one of his blogs this week said the faith of one person can change the world.  A yes can change the world.

Today we arrive at another story about Mary’s and Elizabeth meeting to share their good news the story ends with Mary singing what we have come to know as her Magnificat—in this beautiful song describes the kingdom as she knows it— about how this poor undeserving woman gets caught up in something bigger—she sings of the son she in her womb who will usher in a kingdom where the lowly will be lifted up, the proud scattered, the hungry having their bellies filled and the rich going away empty.

And she says yes.

Several weeks ago, I told the kids who came to messy church that one of the reasons Mary is important because when God asks her to do something she trusts that God knows what he’s doing and takes step of faith—she says yes.

And you know what the result of all this is for Mary—Great joy— She sings out today, about that deep joy “My spirit rejoices in God my Savior.  For he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant. Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for the Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name.”

Mary has joy because she knows that she gets to be a part something bigger than herself she gets to get caught up God great dream for the world- Joy because  God says you are worthy—you might be  a peasant in some backwater neighborhood but and you have something  has to offer the kingdom.   Joy because she’s going to be able to witness the power of god working in people’s lives- she is going to watch as miracles occur.

But this isn’t just for Mary—God knocks on the doors of our lives as well- we get to participate- and be caught up in something bigger- we get to watch the power of God at work in people’s lives.

We get to be the recipients of great joy.

But it begins with the simple response- yes- yes I believe—I believe that if you are calling I believe that I have what it takes to accomplish that which you are asking me to accomplish.
The faith of one person can change the world and that faith is yours— your faith your yeses to God can change the world

All we have to do is say yes because all that is need for the kingdom to come is one simple word ---that we can mumble with clenched teeth-mumble it with a tiny mustard seed of faith—yes.

Mary says “Yes.”


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