Sunday, May 17, 2015

Easter Sunday 2015

Good morning again and happy Easter!  I am guessing that the Easter bunny has hopped over to your house- he’s been to mine—I’m guessing that there may have already been an Easter egg hunt or two. Probably a little bit of chocolate has been consumed

Well we’ve arrived here at church and  it is our opportunity to hear the Easter story-- to peak into the tomb where Jesus has been laid after his crucifixion and see that he is not the there. Some 2000 years later, we become modern day witnesses to what we see in the tomb --- resurrection.

Image result for praise and worshipOne of the things I wonder about the tomb is whether after the resurrection Jesus neatly folded the burial linens or were they scattered all over the floor?  It would tell me if Jesus was more like my wife or if he was more like me—if they were scatter about- I might have some leverage when it comes to leaving my dirty laundry all over the bedroom .  

When Mary Magdalene and Mary mother of James  and Salome peak and I imagine they peak I imagine it was tentative approach  not quit sure what to make of it.   Remember what consumed their conversation that morning was how they were going to roll back he stone so when they arrive and the stone is rolled away.

When I was in high school I came out of my bedroom one morning for breakfast-- now my bedroom in the house I grew up in was on the first floor and opened into our dining room- as I stepped out  I noticed a newspaper and coffee cup and cereal bowl on the dining room table- evidence that my step father must be nearby- as I took  another step into the dining room  and I saw my stepfather flat on his back on the floor- the first thought I had was this man has had a massive heart attack and is now dead on the floor.

Not quite what to make of all that was happening- I slowly approached my stepfather and whisper “Bill!”- no response- I creep up a little closer “Bill”– I get close enough and I kick his foot with my foot- bill- he says “What?”— I thought “Thank you Jesus and then said what are you doing on the floor – he said I just felt sick and needed to lay down right on the floor. 

I imagine that the two Mary’s and Salome approached tomb kind of like I just described-  just ever so slowly peaking around the corner  in ever so slightly--uncertain  about what to make of the stone being rolled away- and this strange man in the tomb Mark tells us that they are  terrified-- the Greek work Mark uses could be translate as quaking with fear – this was an overwhelming occurrence-- Mark says they flee the tomb and the don’t tell a soul that Jesus has risen.  

What happens when we look through the doorway of the tomb?   How do we see resurrection?  What does resurrection look like for us- now 2000 years later?   Is it an empty tomb with a few discarded burial linens or is it something else--has Jesus been raised?

A few weeks ago, my wife Chrishelle lost a dear friend.   Her name was Kristie.  Kristie was young mother struck down in the prime of her life to metastatic breast cancer.  Forty two, forty three years old – two middle school children- a tragedy of epic proportion someone with so much to live for- so much more to offer the world.  One of the gifts that Kristie offered the world a faith that never quit even in this most dire and dark situation- she had full trust  throughout her struggle that God was holding her palms of His hands and would see her through

After she died we of course attended her funeral.   Her funeral was held at a church very different than St. Mark’s – it was much more of a modern sanctuary that was kind of like an auditorium –seats were on a slope and we were sitting some way back. As the service began the lights dimmed as they do in a movie theater and our attention was focused on the praise and worship band at the front. 

Now I don’t remember the song- but  I do remember feeling quite moved by the music- part way through one of the opening songs- I noticed a gentleman far toward the front of the church begin to raise his arms up in praise to  God as he sang-  but it was hard to kind of see because it was dark and I was sitting some ways back.

As the music continued—I realized that the gentleman at that front of the church with his arms in the air in praise to God- was Kristie’s husband Chad. 

Tears began to well up in my eyes as I realized that just four days after his dear wife had breathed her last he was able to raise his arm in praise to God.

As I have reflected on that moment- I have come to realize that I was seeing Easter- right there- Chad’s arms high in the air—are because of tomb is empty-  and he knows it --that even in that most terrible moment- Easter says everything is not lost— that God wins- and that what God did for Jesus- he is doing for Kristie and God  will do for us!

[In a few moments [at the ten o’clock service] we will baptize little baby Elizabeth—each one of us will promise to raise her up in her life with Christ- that’s the story we teach that’s the faith we instill that even in death  we can raise its arm in praise because we see victory not defeat . ]

guess when I look into the tomb – what I see a God who breathes life into things that are dead—and that is not just life for us after our hearts seize up and  stop beating-  I see life that breaks in right now. That can stand at the edge of the grave and find a sliver of hope of joy.  

I see resurrection down the street at Green Lake—I see it in the midst of ashes of a burned out apartment --as this community begins to help rebuild the lives of many who have lost almost everything-that’s  resurrection breaking into our world.

I saw resurrection yesterday on Instagram- as my daughter and her friends surrounded a friend with well wishes and prayers after the friends mother died.  Life emerging from death.

I believe we will see resurrection as we mark baby Ellie with the sign as God sweeps in and claims her as his beloved child and promises, and  says this is my child there is nothing that she can do that will separate her from my love.

I see resurrection when people gather right down here at the rail and put their arms around one another ask for God’s healing --that’s resurrection –life in the midst of death.

I see out there on the streets smiles breaking through into our lives from strangers.

Where do you see resurrection?  What does it look like for you? Where do you see God bringing life?
Maybe you could spend some time over Easter dinner telling stories of where you see resurrection, where you see life emerging.

You see I don’t believe that resurrection  didn’t stay bottled up sealed up TRAPPED in the tomb-  that first Easter morning- I believe burst out of the tomb and it is now a part of our world-- now permeates  and infiltrates our world.  It springs up into our lives and into the world day after day.  

And we are witnesses to that life—and our job is to point at it and say there it is.
What do you believe? What do you believe happened that Easter morning, because you know what-- it makes all the difference?

Alleluia Christ is Risen!
The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia.


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