Sunday, June 30, 2013

Dealbreakers: A sermon based on Luke 9:51-62

As they were going along the road, someone said to him, ‘I will follow you wherever you go.’ And Jesus said to him, ‘Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.’ To another he said, ‘Follow me.’ But he said, ‘Lord, first let me go and bury my father.’ But Jesus said to him, ‘Let the dead bury their own dead; but as for you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God.’ Another said, ‘I will follow you, Lord; but let me first say farewell to those at my home.’ Jesus said to him, ‘No one who puts a hand to the plough and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.’

We at St. Mark’s are in the midst of what will be some monumental changes. If you came in the side door you probably saw the picture on the easel depicting the proposed changes to this space.    You know what it entails-- The altar moved closer, the rail down at floor level.  The carpet being taken up, the floors refinished- air conditioning this space. The choir moving back behind the altar.   

As most of you know we also have plans for developing some dedicated youth space and plans for a new service on Sunday evenings that will tentatively begin this fall.  

Now for most of us there are probably some areas of the proposed changes that we really don't like or aren't too sure about – for others there may be areas that we feel really need to happen to help move this congregation forward.In the midst of it all, there may be some potential deal breakers or what feel a lot like deal breakers in the proposals.  

At one point for several months there were discussions about whether we should retain and refinish the pews or scrap the pews and put chairs in this space. There was a lot of conversation and  energy around pews vs. chairs. 

Let me just say that that discussion has been tabled for the foreseeable future.  We have not come to a common mind about where we are going in the pews/chairs debate -so we've put that on hold for the time being.   We may revisit that question in a couple of years.For the time being we will retain the pews, but will not refinish them. 

Now  for the sake of this sermon- I would like you to think about what might  be a dealbreaker for you. Something that you might have a really hard time swallowing.   Maybe you like the altar where it is and moving it right over there is going to be really hard. Maybe you really like the idea of having cool air pumping  into the sanctuary  during the summer,  but what if we don't end up  getting air conditioning in the sanctuary.

Maybe you need to think a little more hypothetically to find a deal breaker- for a moment let’s pretend we've move  a few years into the future  and a decision is made to take out the pews and put chairs into this space. 

For some there may be still  no deal breakers- so let’s have some fun and get really radical-  just bear with me you will see where we are going in a moment. What if we were going to install a large screen to project music onto ceiling, scrap the choir  and start singing rock music.  Would that feel like a deal breaker?  What if we decided to scrap Holy Eucharist and start spending an hour in silent meditation with lots of smoky incense filling the room? 

Now I’m imaging everyone’s got a deal breaker- if not bear with me.

For a moment, I want you to imagine Jesus calling you to move in the opposite direction of your deeply held deal breaker.  What if Jesus was calling you to let go of your deal breaker to follow him? Could you do it?  Could you leave pews behind for chairs- if Jesus called you to do so? Could you embrace a large screen that descended from the ceiling and rock music if Jesus was calling this community to do so? He’s not calling us to this, but just bear with me.  

Could you embrace a sanctuary that is not air conditioned or has pew cushions or a wood floor where the carpet now is? What if Jesus was calling you to let go of your deal breakers in order to follow him? Could you do it?

That’s really what happening in today’s Gospel story- Jesus in the Gospel this morning is calling his followers to let go of their deal breakers so that they might  come and follow him into the kingdom of God. Jesus says to a young man along the road- Come follow me.  But, but, but Jesus first --- let me go and bury my father.  Let the dead bury their own dead. To another person-  Hey-Come follow me— but, but, but Jesus first let me go kiss my wife and children good bye- no one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God. 

Now on the surface this Gospel this appears to be showing an extremely insensitive and unsympathetic Jesus- How could Jesus ask that guy not to bury his dead father-- but this is not “pastorally insensitive” Jesus- Jesus is not calling that young man to not go and bury his father-- he’s not calling us to leave our families behind- most of us are called to bring the kingdom of God into our homes, into our families into our workplaces.

What I think Jesus is saying there can be no stipulations in following him, there can be no idols, there can be no deal breakers.   

If you hang around with Jesus long enough- he’s going to challenge your allegiances, he’s going challenge your deal breakers.—I will follow you Jesus, but I can't take it that far.    I will follow you but you can’t impinge on that part of my life.  I will follow you, but I need to be in control of the direction.    The Gospel this morning tells us that those are unacceptable responses.

Following Jesus is not EASY.  Love your neighbor, pray for those who persecute you forgive someone seventy times seven.  Are those things easy? They may the Ten Commandments look like child’s play.

Foxes have holes, birds have nests but the son of Man has no place to lay his head.   Following Jesus may be difficult- letting go of deal breakers is incredibly difficult.

But following Jesus also leads to the kingdom of God- not just a future kingdom that we enter into when our hearts stop beating and we take our last breath.  Jesus leads us to the kingdom breaking in here and now- but to experiences the fullness, the richness, the beauty of the kingdom right here, right now we might just need to let go of some of our deal breakers.  Can we do it?


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